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Dr. T. V. Raju, Dr. K. Sheshamurthy

Business Studies - Made Simple

Business Studies - Made Simple

Publisher - Sapna Book House

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Key features of this book

. Chapter wise explanation of the concepts.

U Caters to the needs of both urban & rural students C Points to remember gives a bird's eye view about the concepts & explanation.

C Matter written in simple, lucid and easily understandable language Model question papers with projects and assignments.

Dr. T.V. Raju is serving as a Professor and Director in R V institute of Management, Bangalore. Formerly, he served as a Senior Faculty, Department of Commerce at NMKRV PU College, Bangalore. He is a Guest Faculty in various Management institutes in and around Bangalore. He served as a Chairman the committee, constituted by the Pre-University Board to prepare Syllabus, in the subject Accountancy. He has participated as a Resource Person in various orientation programmes organized by Department of Pre-University Education in Kamataka. He is a recognized Research Guide of Bangalore University and other Universities in India. He is on the Advisory Body of various educational institutions. He has visited foreign universities to deliver lectures. He has also organized good number of Workshops and Seminars for Industrial Executives.

Dr. K. Sheshamurthy is served as Principal at Vijaya Pre University College, Jayanagar He is also served as Dean of Vijaya Academy for Information Technology, Bangalore. He is a Master of Business Administration, Master of Computer Application besides being a Master of Commerce. He was awarded the Doctorate degree from the Dept. of Commerce and

Management of the Bangalore University. He is a recognized Research Guide to guide Ph.D.,M.Phil., and Post Graduate students.

He served as a member of the syllabus committee constituted by the Department Pre-University education in the subject of Business Studies. He is also a resource and participated in the various orientation programmes conducted by the D PU Education.

He has more than 3 decades of teaching experience from PU level to the Post Grap level. For his contribution in the field of Education, he has been bestowed with Gem of indi and Kempegowda Award. Recognising his contribution in the field of education, the Govt of Karnataka has nominated him to the Academic Council of the Bangalore University. He has been serving on various committees constituted by the Bangalore University.

Sapna Book House
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